Master (2nd Year)

Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC)
UFR Info-p6
Master 2 : Computing Networks
1st semester:
- Research methodology: reading, writing, reviewing, presenting
- Ubiquitous networks: sensor network, BANet, robot networks, Byzantine networks
- Networks measurement: static/dynamic graphs, Internet metrology
- Smart Mobility: VANet, project on mobile pollution measurement
- System evaluation and performance: Markov chain, queuing models
- English: TOEIC
2nd semester:
- Internship with Fabrice Theoleyre at ICube (Strasbourg).
- Evaluation & performance in 6TiSCH networks.
- Load-balancing and energy repartition using 6TiSCH Tracks.
Master (1rst Year)

Université de Strasbourg (UNISTRA)
UFR Math-Info
Master 1: Computing Networks and Embedded Systems
1st semester:
- Compilation (lexical and syntactical analysis : Lex et Yacc)
- Embedded systems and electronic
- Network security
- Protocols and mechanisms (network, transport and application layers)
- Performance analysis (simulation models and processes)
2nd semester:
- Network administration (Cisco, SNMP, MIB, DHCP, DNS)
- Advanced compilation (LLVM, parallelism)
- Real time system and computing (Scheduling policies, POSIX4, RTAI)
- Carrier networks (BGP, MPLS, VPN, telecommunication)
- Business networks (Business Objects, Microsoft Networks, networks legal aspect)
BSc(Hons) Computing Networks

University of Abertay University - Dundee
Sending institution : UFR sciences et techniques de la côte Basque
1st semester:
- Database and Internet Application Design : database design (EERM), normalisation, SQL, DDL, strategic planning
- Group Project : project principle, management, quality assurance
- Networking and Security: network models, protocols, security & authentication
- Mobile Programming : Mobile devices, cycle development, high and low UI, storage, commercial deployment
2nd semester:
- Networking : Linux file system, system administration, network configuration, scripting
- Network Security : legal issues, threats, mitigation, methods of attacking systems
- Group Project: design, implementation, testing and evaluation, communication
- Server side development : Application architecture, server side scripting, databases, optimisation
Diplôme Universitaire Technologique (DUT)

Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour
IUT Bayonne
1st year:
- Algorithmic and Programming
- Architecture, Systems and Networks
- Software engineering
- Mathematics
- Economy and Management
- English
- Communication
2nd year:
- Programming reuse
- Embedded technology
- UML/Java
- Mathematics
- Economy and Management
- English
- Communication
- Project : Timelines
- Internship: Alaloop